Alia Perry - Learn Do Become

Alia Perry is the daughter of Eric and April Perry, founders of Learn Do Become, and works as a Customer Experience Specialist and Account Manager. She has developed an online course called STEP for Students to teach students (ages 12-22) how to keep track of papers and assignments, plan projects, organize school supplies, and feel less-stressed. She is attending Brigham Young University and plans to major in Entrepreneurial Management.

For more information about Alia, visit

3 Free Gifts For You!

Alia is offering Ace Your Spacers a start-up guide and audio download
called '5 Habits to Architect A Life of Excellence'!

Heads Up: Scroll down for the form in the green bar, just below the 5 circular menu options.

Alia is offering Ace Your Spacers a free online webinar that teaches the STEP principles!

Alia is offering Ace Your Spacers the Create Your Day workbook!

This special gift features seven specific questions you ask yourself each morning to help you to live your life with purpose, get the right things done, wake up excited, and go to bed content.

Annette Poliwka - Falling In Love With Nature

Annette Poliwka is an Environmentalist and Adventurer who inspires and empowers women to get outdoors, to challenge themselves, and to connect with their deeper selves.

She is passionate about helping people take that first step in their outdoorsy goals, to own their personal power and build momentum around their dreams. Whether you want to start hiking, plan a bigger backpacking trip, or explore your soul's desires is what she specializes in.

After spending more than 15 years working to protect the environment for local, federal and international governments on Zero Waste, she started her own company to empower women in the outdoors. Her goal is to rekindle that inner flame we all have, to nourish that inner child, and to embark on outdoor adventures we've dreamt about.

For more information about Annette, visit

A Free Gift For You!

Annette is offering Ace Your Spacers 'Meditation In Nature, Guided By Our Senses'.

In this meditation, we'll create the perfect mood for being present in nature and your senses. You can take a walk into nature, your yard, a local park, or seat yourself with a view of the outdoors.