Shannon Sullivan - Enlitened Life

Shannon Sullivan is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, who after years working as a Certified Public Accountant in Corporate America and experiencing her own corporate body burnout, decided to pursue her passions of health, food, and nutrition.

While in corporate, Shannon noticed the startling trend of women placing priority on everything BUT their bodies and health, and then suffering the consequent dip in self worth.

Her belief that professional women should not have to choose between their health and career inspired her and her sister Meg to Co-Found ENliteNED LIFE™, a health & lifestyle consulting firm for ambitious Professional women and Bold Body MANTRA™ Clothing, a consciously created body positive clothing line designed to empower women to love the skin they’re in.

Shannon teaches that with clear and simple strategies, identifying your true priorities, and making aligned action FUN, busy professional women can be as successful with their health, body confidence, weight, and personal lives as they are in their career.

For more information about Shannon, please visit

A Free Gift For You!

Shannon is offering Ace Your Spacers a 30 Minute Schedule Audit!
Reveal hidden hours in your day by employing a simple step-by-step schedule audit.

Leah Lund - One Whole Health

Leah Lund is a Neuro Nutrient Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformation Therapist and Health Coach. She founded One Whole Health to help women reboot their brain to move past anxiety, overwhelm and food or body issues into vibrant health, mental clarity and the capacity to live a fulfilling, happy life. Her unique Brain Makeover Method ™ uses Neuro Science, Neuro Nutrition, Hypnotherapy and other techniques as the springboard to help you feel happy and confident and find freedom from anxiety, depression, overwhelm, emotional eating, cravings, low energy, brain fog, insomnia, pain and burn out. As an Author, Speaker, Laughter Yoga Leader, Author and past Mentor for The Neuro Nutrient Therapy Institute, Leah regularly appears on stages, podcasts and on line shows all over the world. She’s served as a keynote speaker for the Liberian Leadership & Prosperity Conf 2014 and The Inspire Event So Cal 2016 and Ecuador 2017. Her humanitarian work includes The Water Bearers project to bring clean, safe water to every person in the world.

For more information about Leah, please visit

A Free Gift For You!

Leah is offering Ace Your Spacers a Self Scoring Brain Chemistry Assessment.
Is your brain chemistry hi-jacking your space?  Find out with our Self Scoring Brain Chemistry Assessment!